Compression End Valves – Mako / Superlok

Series Highlights
Compression Ends | Large Size Range | Options up to 10k PSI
• Available Types•
Two-Piece | 1,000 PSI
Three Piece Swing Out | 3,000 PSI
Forged Body | 6K PSI
Bar Handle | 6-10K PSI
Bar Stock Body | 3K PSI

Superlok compression ball valves can be used in many applications including petrochemical, oil, gas, industrial manufacturing and processing, and water. They are factory tested with nitrogen at 1,000 PSI to guarantee each valve is working properly. Mako Products is the exclusive source in North America for Superlok Ball Valves equipped with i-Fitting Leak-Free technology.
Series Description
Superlok ball valves offer a variety of options that will meet your specification needs. The Superlok compression end ball valves will exceed your expectations with the unique Superlok i-Fitting built-in gap gauge on each valve which ends over-tightening and under-tightening. The Superlok i-Fitting technology provides the perfect connection when the self-measuring gap gauge pops off at the precise point of compression. Mako Products is the USA’s only source for Superlok Ball Valves.
For more information on compression end valves we offer, we invite you to contact our team.
Why Choose Accurate Valve Automation, Inc.?
Accurate Valve Automation has the experts you need at a reasonable price. We intend to continue providing, just as we have for 15+ years, solutions to our market segments. Ultimately we want to provide more than a simple product sale, and instead a solution to any industry’s flow, filtering, or process concerns.
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Located near Chicago, IL just east of the 55/294 Interchange.
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