Simplex Basket Strainers
Simplex Basket Strainers

What is a strainer, and strainer vs filter?
A strainer is a device which removes particulate from the main process stream. The difference between a filter and a strainer can simply be explained in relation to the particulate size that is being collected. Typically a filter is removing small particles, while a strainer is collecting larger debris. Strainers can also be configured with a mesh particulate filter inside the catch basket. In all cases, filters and strainers have a method of cleaning, which is unique to each type of filter.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wye Strainers
- Advantages
- Cost efficient
- Can be equipped with blow-down valves to remove debris without removing the full strainer
- Small footprint which allows for many mounting options
- Disadvantages
- Typically do not have seals around the filter which can allow a small amount of debris to work around
- Can be clogged fast in upset conditions due to smaller straining capacity compared to a basket unit
Advantages and Disadvantages of Simplex Strainers
- Advantages
- Larger Straining capacity vs wye strainers
- Typically have a large opening on the top of the unit for easier cleaning
- Disadvantages
- Flow must be stopped to clean the strainer
- Must be installed with flow horizontal
- Larger than Wye Strainers in footprint
- Heavier and may require mounting if the pipe run is not ground level
Advantages and Disadvantages of Duplex Strainers
- Advantages
- Largest straining capacity
- Two filters within the same body, with one filter in use at a time
- Can clean one filter as the other is still flowing/straining
- Large removable cap on top for cleaning/maintenance
- Disadvantages
- Largest footprint of available strainers
- Bigger diameters can be heavy and are best floor-mounted
- Higher initial investment, but the advantages may justify this for your application
For More Information on Filters or Strainers
Feel free to contact us and we will assist with selection given your exact application and specification.
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